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At Summit Bariatric and Robotic Surgical Specialists, we offer several surgical weight loss procedures and revisional procedures.
Dr. Farrer and our team of surgical specialists are experienced in using the most state-of-the-art surgical technology, including the da Vinci Robot-Assisted Surgical System.  This minimally invasive surgical system allows for smaller incisions and oftentimes reduced recovery time. 

Dr. Rex Farrer bariatric surgeon

Is WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY right for you?

to Schedule Your Consultation


Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is an option for bariatric patients who were unsuccessful in losing weight through diet and exercise or those who have serious health problems due to their weight. 
At Summit Bariatric and Robotic Surgical Specialists, we offer several surgical procedures for weight loss: gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and single anastomosis duodenal switch. 

Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a bariatric procedure that removes a portion of your stomach. Patients typically experience a reduction in appetite due to the reduced volume of the stomach and the decreased production of grhelin (the hunger hormone). After gastric sleeve surgery, you can expect to lose 25% to 30 % of your body weight in the first one to two years.

Gastric Bypass Surgery modifies your stomach and small intestine to bypass part of your digestive system. The size of your stomach and the length of your small intestine are reduced, causing you to consume and absorb fewer calories. In the first year or two after gastric bypass surgery, patients lose an average of  70% of excess weight. 

Single Anastomosis Duodenal Switch Surgery is in some ways similar to gastric bypass surgery in that it involves the stomach and small intestine. The duodenal switch is a two-part surgery, beginning with a gastric sleeve and then bypassing a majority of the small intestine. On average, patients can expect to lose 80% of excess weight over a two-year period.


Revisional Weight Loss Surgery is a procedure that corrects or improves prior weight loss surgery that has deteriorated over time or is no longer effective. Revision surgery is an option for patients whose previous weight loss procedure resulted in less-than optimal weight loss, weight regain, or post-surgical medical complications.

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In addition to our bariatric surgery procedures, we are pleased to offer minimally invasive general surgery procedures, including hernia repair, gallbladder removal, appendectomy, and the surgical treatment of acid reflux. 
For more information about our general surgery services, please call our office at (830) 223-8150.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a consultation. Dr. Rex Farrer can explain the different bariatric surgery procedures, what to expect post-surgery, as well as our available financing options.

Bariatric and Robotic Surgical Specialists

1201 S Main St

Suite 111

Boerne, TX 78006-2838

Phone (830) 223 - 8150

Fax (830) 223 - 8151

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